L' Effet Pommier 3
L'Effet Pommier - Volume 03.iso
PlayerPRO 4.5.1 Dev.Kit
Digital Plugs
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277 lines
/* Fade In Vol */
/* v 1.0 */
/* 1995 by ANR */
// Usage:
// A small example of to use Digital Editor Plugs with a MODAL DIALOG
#include "MAD.h"
#include "PPPlug.h"
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
enum {
PlayerPROPlug = kCStackBased
ProcInfoType __procinfo = PlayerPROPlug;
#include <A4Stuff.h>
void GetDText (DialogPtr dlog, short item, StringPtr str)
Handle itemHandle;
short itemType;
Rect itemRect;
GetDItem (dlog, item, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
GetIText (itemHandle, str);
void SetDText (DialogPtr dlog, short item, Str255 str)
Handle itemHandle;
short itemType;
Rect itemRect;
GetDItem (dlog, item, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
SetIText (itemHandle, str);
GDHandle TheGDevice:0xCC8;
void AutoPosition( DialogPtr aDia)
Point Position, mouse;
Rect ViewRect;
short XSize = (aDia->portRect.right - aDia->portRect.left), YSize = (aDia->portRect.bottom - aDia->portRect.top);
GetMouse( &mouse);
LocalToGlobal( &mouse);
SetRect( &ViewRect, (*TheGDevice)->gdRect.left + 8, (*TheGDevice)->gdRect.top + 43,
(*TheGDevice)->gdRect.right - 8, (*TheGDevice)->gdRect.bottom - 8);
Position.h = mouse.h - XSize/2;
if( Position.h + XSize >= ViewRect.right) Position.h = ViewRect.right - XSize;
else if( Position.h <= ViewRect.left) Position.h = ViewRect.left;
Position.v = mouse.v - YSize/2;
if( Position.v + YSize >= ViewRect.bottom) Position.v = ViewRect.bottom - YSize;
else if( Position.v <= ViewRect.top) Position.v = ViewRect.top;
MoveWindow( aDia, Position.h, Position.v, false);
ShowWindow( aDia);
Cmd* GetCmd( short row, short track, Pcmd* myPcmd)
if( row < 0) row = 0;
else if( row >= myPcmd->length) row = myPcmd->length -1;
if( track < 0) track = 0;
else if( track >= myPcmd->tracks) track = myPcmd->tracks -1;
return( &(myPcmd->myCmd[ (myPcmd->length * track) + row]));
void pStrcpy(register unsigned char *s1, register unsigned char *s2)
register short len, i;
len = *s2;
for ( i = 0; i <= len; i++) s1[ i] = s2[ i];
void OctavesName(short id, Str255 String)
short NNames[ 12] = {'C ','C#','D ','D#','E ','F ','F#','G ','G#','A ','A#','B '};
Str255 WorkStr;
if( id == 0xFF)
pStrcpy( String, "\p---");
NumToString( (id / 12), WorkStr);
String[ 0] = 3;
String[ 1] = NNames[ (id) % 12]>>8;
String[ 2] = NNames[ (id) % 12];
String[ 3] = WorkStr[ 1];
MenuHandle CreateMenu()
MenuHandle returnMenu;
short i;
Str255 aStr;
returnMenu = GetMenu( 141);
OctavesName( 1, aStr); SetItem( returnMenu, 1, aStr);
for( i = 1; i < 96; i++)
OctavesName( i, aStr);
AppendMenu( returnMenu, aStr);
return returnMenu;
short Text2Note( Str255 myTT)
short Oct;
Oct = myTT[ 3] - 48;
Oct *= 12;
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
// C- C# D- D# E- F- F# G- G# A- A# B-
switch( myTT[1])
case 'C': case'c': Oct += 0; break;
case 'D': case'd': Oct += 2; break;
case 'E': case'e': Oct += 4; break;
case 'F': case'f': Oct += 5; break;
case 'G': case'g': Oct += 7; break;
case 'A': case'a': Oct += 9; break;
case 'B': case'b': Oct += 11; break;
default: Oct = 0xFF; break;
if( Oct != 0xFF)
if( myTT[ 2] == '#') Oct++;
if( Oct >= 96) Oct = 0xFF;
if( Oct < 0) Oct = 0xFF;
return( Oct);
OSErr main( Pcmd *myPcmd,
PPInfoPlug *thePPInfoPlug)
DialogPtr myDia;
short itemHit, itemType;
Rect itemRect;
Handle itemHandle;
Str255 aStr;
MenuHandle noteMenu;
Point myPt;
long Result;
#ifndef powerc
long oldA4 = SetCurrentA4(); //this call is necessary for strings in 68k code resources
myDia = GetNewDialog( 128, 0L, (WindowPtr) -1L);
SetPort( myDia);
AutoPosition( myDia);
SetDText( myDia, 3, "\pC 3");
SetDText( myDia, 4, "\pC 7");
SelIText( myDia, 3, 0, 200);
noteMenu = CreateMenu();
#if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
ModalDialog( thePPInfoPlug->MyDlgFilterUPP, &itemHit);
ModalDialog( (ModalFilterProcPtr) thePPInfoPlug->MyDlgFilterUPP, &itemHit);
switch( itemHit)
case 7:
case 8:
InsertMenu( noteMenu, hierMenu);
GetDItem( myDia, itemHit, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
myPt.v = itemRect.top; myPt.h = itemRect.left;
LocalToGlobal( &myPt);
GetDText( myDia, itemHit-4, aStr);
SetItemMark( noteMenu, Text2Note( aStr) + 1, 0xa5);
Result = PopUpMenuSelect( noteMenu,
Text2Note( aStr) + 1);
SetItemMark( noteMenu, Text2Note( aStr) + 1, 0);
if ( HiWord( Result ) != 0 )
OSErr iErr;
OctavesName( LoWord( Result)-1, aStr);
SetDText( myDia, itemHit-4, aStr);
SelIText( myDia, 3, 0, 200);
DeleteMenu( (*noteMenu)->menuID);
}while( itemHit != 1 && itemHit != 2);
if( itemHit == 1)
short track, row;
long from, to;
Cmd *myCmd;
GetDText( myDia, 3, aStr); from = Text2Note( aStr);
GetDText( myDia, 4, aStr); to = Text2Note( aStr);
// Check values
if( from < 0 || from >= 96)
SelIText( myDia, 3, 0, 200);
SysBeep( 1);
if( to < 0 || to >= 96)
SelIText( myDia, 4, 0, 200);
SysBeep( 1);
for( track = 0; track < myPcmd->tracks; track++)
for( row = 0; row < myPcmd->length; row++)
myCmd = GetCmd( row, track, myPcmd);
if( myPcmd->length > 1) // no zero div !!
myCmd->note = from + ((to-from) * row) / (myPcmd->length-1);
// my fade command : 0x10 min vol, 0x50 : max vol
// Refer to MAD description for more informations
DisposDialog( myDia);
#ifndef powerc
SetA4( oldA4);
ReleaseResource( (Handle) noteMenu);
return noErr;